Reports 2019
Please note that not every group receives direct cash aid from the Association.
Despite it being a requirement of grant aid that a short report is submitted to the West Lothian Twinning Association, only one report was submitted in 2019.
February visit of HSK students
Four students and their tutor from the Fachhochschule Suedwestfalen in Meschede visited West Lothian for a few days in February. As they are studying International Management and Tourism, the Twinning Association members facilitated a programme of talks and visits for them which will hopefully help towards their degrees. Of the ten students who applied for this study tour, the four pictured below were successful.
Traditional Scottish fair was enjoyed at Chairperson Liz' house. The Chairman of the HSK Twinning , Sebastian Schuettler (immediately right of Liz) accompanied the group for the first night. Also present were Liz' husband Denis (far left), the Liddell's dog and Councillor Chris Horne (back row, right)
A walking tour of Beecraigs was an opportunity to
show the students the trees which were planted to commemorate 45
years of the Twinning partnership and the bench gifted by the HSK
twinning association.
Councillor Carl John gave a brief and informative talk on West
Lothian, whilst later in the day Treasurer Edgar Liddle gave them
a talk on the history of the Union Canal and Linlithgow Union
Canal Society, a popular local tourist attraction.
A short deviation from the route to West Lothian College permitted a photostop at Hochsauerland Brae which leads down to the Civic Centre.
A visit to West Lothian College.
A HSK flag presented by HSK college tutor Neil Davie (on right) to WL College host Colin Miller.