2004/5    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015   


Please note that not every group receives direct cash aid from the Association.

Groups visiting Hochsauerland:

January 2016 - Small delegation from West Lothian Instrumental Music Service visiting HSK Music School's annual concert in Meschede.

May 2016 - 40 P7 string players from West Lothian to attend an international strings project in the new music school at Bad Fredeburg. They will participate in joint workshops and rehearsals as well as social activities.

- Livingston and District Dolphins to accept an invitation from Arnsberg Swimming Club to their annual competition.

July 2016 - some 35 musicians and a similar number of family members will celebrate Linlithgow Reed Band's 60th anniversary in and around Neheim-Hüsten playing various concerts and taking part in parts of the local Schützenfests. A German / Scottish evening hosted by Musikverein Herdringen is to be a highlight.

- Newland Concert Brass to visit their long-standing twinning partners Fanfarenkorps Neheim.

- the successful Youth Exchange scheme has been reorganised this year and 15 pupils are expected to travel to HSK.

September 2016 - some 14 members of the Twinning Association will make a private visit to HSK and will be based in Altstadt Arnsberg.

Groups visiting West Lothian:

March 2016 - 2 members of staff of the Hochsauerland Music School visit West Lothian to attend Spring Concert series and to put in place plans for music groups coming to West Lothian.

July 2016 - Sailing exchange . 23 members of HSK @ Low Port Centre, Linlithgow.

August 2015 - an accordion orchestra from HSK to play various concerts in Scotland.

- Arnsberg Bowling Club visit to West Lothian.