Please note that not every group receives direct cash aid from the Association.
Groups visiting Hochsauerland: January 2013 - West Lothian Schools Pipe band participating in a concert with Meschede Wind band to celebrate Scottish music.
June 2013 - Broxburn Academy Wind Band.
July 2013 - Sailing exchange.
August 2013 - Young musicians taking part in Gleidorf Msuic Festival
Groups visiting West Lothian: May 2013 - Hochsauerland Msuic School strings students to share a weekend with West Lothian counterparts.
July/August 2013 - Regular youth exchange visit.
August 2013 - Adult saxophone quartet touring Britain.
August 2013 - (provisional) visit from HSK police officers to West Lothian.
August 2013 - 22 members of the HSK Partnerschaft.