Please note that not every group receives direct cash aid from the Association.
Groups visiting Hochsauerland: January 2011 - Provisional - West Lothian Schools Music Staff invited to attend Meschede Wind Band Concert.
June 2011 - Young swimmers from clubs across West Lothian travelling to Neheim to an International Swimfest.
July 2011 - Linlithgow Sailing Club to visit HSK.
Groups visiting West Lothian: May 2011 - 40 young students of stringed instruments to visit West Lothian.
July 2011 - c.15 young people from Hochsauerland to take part in the long-standing Youth Exchange Programme.
October 2011 - HSK Orchestra to play a concert tour of West Lothian.
- Linlithgow Reed Band to visit HSK to celebrate 30 years since their first visit.
- Provisional - invitation to attend the Gleidorf Music Festival.
- 44 young people from St. Margaret's Academy to visit HSK.