Photo Gallery
Visit to Scotland - 2004
Visit to Scotland - 2005
Official Visit to Hochsauerland - 2006
Visit to Hochsauerland - 2008
Visit to Scotland - 2009
40th anniversary celebration - 2012
Visit by 4 members of Linlithgow Reed Band to Niedereimer.
45th anniversary celebration - 2017
2012: Landrat Karl Schneider and Liz Liddell
celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Twinning.
2006: Joe Thomas, on behalf
of West Lothian Council,
accepts a Tenor Horn from
Karl Schneider as an official gift
from HSK during a visit in June.
2000: Joe Thomas, Franz-Joseph Leikop
and Alex Linkston celebrate the 25th birthday
of Hochsauerlandkreis.
1997: Franz-Joseph Leikop and Joe Thomas
celebrate the 25th anniversary of
the partnership