If you wish to complete the forms electronically, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.

To apply for direct cash aid from the Association, please print off one copy of PAGE 1 and as many copies of PAGE 2 as you require for your group.
When completed these can be sent to the Treasurer at :-

E.A.S. Liddle
38 Lennox Gardens
EH49 7QA

You can expect an acknowledgement within a couple of weeks, but a decision may need to wait for a full meeting of the Twinning Association. If there is a genuine reason for urgency, please feel free to send a covering email via the webmaster (see Contacts page).

PAGE 1 Financial assistance form 1

To print this form :-
right click on the form;
choose Save Picture As...;
save the form in a directory of your choice;
print that file.

PAGE 2 Financial assistance form 2

To print this form :-
right click on the form;
choose Save Picture As...;
save the form in a directory of your choice;
print that file.


To apply for direct cash aid from the Association, please Click on each .xls file, download it to a directory on your own device,
edit them and send them as attachments to an email to the Webmaster (see Contacts page)
You can expect an acknowledgement within a couple of weeks, but a decision may need to wait for a full meeting of the Twinning Association. If there is a genuine reason for urgency, please feel free to send a covering email via the webmaster (see Contacts page).

PAGE 1 finast1.xls
PAGE 2 finast2.xls